for assistance dogs and their humans

Presentation of the association

In 2017, a few dedicated people met. They had a common mission: to provide people living with a disability with an assistance dog, regardless of their financial means and opportunities.

This group consisted of people who looked at the topic of assistance dogs from different perspectives: As trainers, as people affected themselves and as (caring) relatives. This diversity enables us still today, in the meanwhile 7 year of the association, a comprehensive and individual support of our teams, sponsors and supporters.

We are very grateful for all the support we have received, which enables us to fulfill our mission. Even small donations help and we appreciate any help.

The establishment of a community foundation for the benefit of Helfende Pfoten e.V. in April 2021 lays the foundation for securing our work in the long term. The endowment capital remains in the foundation, but 100% of the proceeds go to our association’s purpose.