for assistance dogs and their humans

A four-legged partner for children with disabilities....

Dog and girl sitting side by side on the floor

… Living with a disability or a serious chronic illness is probably never easy. For children, this often means a great restriction in almost all areas:

Attending kindergarten and school, playing with friends after school, participating in children’s birthday parties, school trips or visits to the amusement park is often not possible. An adult must always be present to make sure nothing happens, to supervise and guide the child.

At the latest during puberty, it is “uncool” to always have a parent or chaperone with you. Who wants to go on a first date with a “minder”?

An assistance dog specially trained to meet the needs of the child (and his parents) can be a true animal partner and friend. For example, he can inform the parents if the child needs (medical) help in the nursery. An assistance dog can help watch outside the home to make sure the child doesn’t run into the street or get “lost.” It can also be an anke while shopping, at the outdoor pool or in the park, which the child can hold on to and orientate himself. Children and animals have a special relationship. Dogs, for example, reach autistic children in their world much faster than another human can. An assistance dog can learn to calm excited children, lead them to a safe place, or interrupt tantrums in their infancy.

Even with the introduction of the new Assistance Dog Act in July 2021, the FINANCIAL situation for assistance dogs and their humans has not changed. They are still not covered by health insurance and have to be financed by donations, grants or own funds.

We THANK YOU very much for your willingness to support us and our work!

We ask for monetary donations to be transferred to our account at the

Sparkasse KölnBonn –

Donation account: 1934072479

IBAN: DE04 3705 0198 1934 0724 79 – BIC: COLSDE33XXX

Intended use: Assistance dog for children